Aminet 16
Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso
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"This is going to play havoc with our schedule."
-- Sinclair, "By Any Means Necessary"
"If there is anything I can do to be of assistance, you will let me know,
-- Londo and G'Kar, "By Any Means Necessary"
"Why does the Universe hate me?"
-- G'Kar, "By Any Means Necessary"
"Political realities sometimes take precedence over good intentions."
-- Senator Hidoshi, "By Any Means Necessary"
"Commander, we've got a problem."
'Surprise, surprise.'
-- Ivanova and Sinclair, "By Any Means Necessary"
"Things are changing on Earth and not all for the best."
-- Sinclair, "By Any Means Necessary"
"50,000 commercial credits, in cash, in advance."
'That's an outrage!'
"Of course, it's an outrage. The question is, how important is your
religious ceremony to you?"
-- Londo and G'Kar, "By Any Means Necessary"
"You're not a follower of G'Quan, are you, Na'Toth?"
'My father was a disciple of G'Lon. My mother didn't believe in much of
"And what do you believe in?"
'Myself, Ambassador.'
-- G'Kar and Na'Toth, "By Any Means Necessary"
"Chance favors the warrior."
-- Na'Toth, "By Any Means Necessary"
"One thing hasn't changed: workers always get shafted."
-- Eduardo Delvientos, "By Any Means Necessary"
"We have a right to defend ourselves, Neeoma."
'But not with violence.'
"Begging your pardon, Commander, but if someone pushed you, wouldn't you
push back?"
-- Eduardo Delvientos and Sinclair, "By Any Means Necessary"
"The Narns. Bleah. They're a barbaric people. They're all pagans,
still worshipping their sun."
-- Londo, "By Any Means Necessary"
"Would you at least consider it?"
-- Sinclair and Londo, "By Any Means Necessary"
"So, what did I miss?"
-- Garibaldi, "By Any Means Necessary"
"What you're asking can only end in violence."
'I know that and I feel that's exactly what some people are hoping for.'
-- Sinclair and Senator Hidoshi, "By Any Means Necessary"
"You should never hand someone a gun unless you're sure where they'll
point it. Your mistake."
-- Sinclair (to Orin Zento), "By Any Means Necessary"
"I'll kill him with my bare hands! By my pouch, there's nothing to stop
me. Sinclair can only kick me off the station. He might even thank me!"
-- G'Kar, "By Any Means Necessary"
"And what do you believe in?"
"Myself, Ambassador."
"Too easy an answer. We all believe in something greater than ourselves,
even if it's just the blind forces of chance."
"Chance favors the warrior."
-- G'Kar and Na'Toth, "By Any Means Necessary"
"That's enough! Get the hell out of here. All of you. Now. Lieutenant
Commander Ivanova, in ten seconds, you will escort any unauthorized
persons still present to the brig, and leave them there."
-- Sinclair, "By Any Means Necessary"
"You can't do this!"
"You're right, I couldn't, until you convinced the Senate to invoke the
Rush Act. You should never hand someone a gun unless you're sure where
they'll point it. Your mistake."
-- Orin Zento and Sinclair, "By Any Means Necessary"
"I figure my people're willing to call it a fair fight if yours are."
-- Garibaldi, "By Any Means Necessary"
"No offense Commander, but you look like week-old bread. Why don't you
get some sleep."
-- Garibaldi, "By Any Means Necessary"
"Gentlemen, I've been up almost two days straight with no sleep. This
makes me a very cranky man."
'Yes, we've noticed. Have you considered meditation?'
-- Sinclair and Londo, "By Any Means Necessary"
"Commander, you are a far more spiritual man than I gave you credit for."
'There are a couple of Jesuit teachers I know who might disagree with you.'
-- G'Kar and Sinclair, "By Any Means Necessary"
"I'm glad they see it my way."
'They do not, but public opinion is on your side.'
"I see."
-- Sinclair and Senator Hidoshi, "By Any Means Necessary"
"Orin Zento has powerful friends. By embarrassing him, you embarrassed
them. Today, you have made new enemies. If I were you, Commander, I
would watch things very carefully. You are not the most popular person
in government circles right now."
'So what else is new?'
-- Senator Hidoshi and Sinclair, "By Any Means Necessary"